Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunrise at TwinBay Farm...

What a beautiful morning. Anne and I awoke this morning to a text message from our friend Dottie. Dottie is notorious for sending jokes through text messaging and apparently she felt the need to send one this morning at 5:50 am. Ha! After that Anne and I both just went ahead and got up and got the morning started.

We got down to the barn this morning around 6:40. It was pitch black but the horses were up stirring in their stalls and waiting for their breakfast. We grained all three of them and then put their hay out in the field so they can munch on that when we turned them out. While the boys ate, Anne and I sat down at the barn and watched the sun come up. We see the sunrise every morning when we are down at the barn but this morning we actually SAW IT. It was breath taking.

As Anne and I walked the horses out to their paddock we talked about how lucky we are to have our own place and not have to board our horses anymore. It is just wonderful to get up in the mornings and walk out our back door and see our barn and the horses. WOW! What a great morning! I hope everyone else’s morning started off just as good!


Strangeite said...

Those moments in life, such as the one you described, when you can remove yourself from your own head and actual observe the world around you, are far too precious. There is an important lesson there. Einstein taught the world that everything in the universe is affected by observation. It is observation that defines "things" and those "things" become relative to the observer. So, when you remove yourself from your own head and actually "observe" a sunrise, you are doing more than just enjoying that sunrise, but are giving that sunrise meaning and entering into a relationship between you and the world.

Judy said...

That sunrise is beautiful. I am so happy for you both that you now can enjoy your own place every day and looking forward to Christmas at the farm. Love, Mom

ike_a_ty said...


AnnaMarie said...

Ah Leigh, I love your positive outlook on life. Inspiring!!