Thursday, January 8, 2009

Having fun!!!

Well so far 2009 is off to a great start! Leigh and I decided to put a title on our year, and it is all about HAVING FUN! We are committed to making this year one of the best yet. Last year was a good year, but we got busy and distracted with things, and this year we are concentrating on just having fun and enjoying life. We have some great trips planned this year, and if all works out, we hope to get to experience all of them. We love our yearly trip to CO, to see our wonderful friends Mark and Colleen and we hope to get to go again this year. We are also planning a beach vacation, either to NC, or somewhere more south. Leigh has some great trips planned for work this year, and will be in Las Vegas during the NFR in December, and I hope to get to fly out and enjoy that as well. We have lots of weekend trips planned too; we hope to get to Murray, Ashville, and of course a weekend in Nashville at some point.

We are already starting to get our horses back in shape and are ready for a great year on the road with them!! This is their year, and we cant wait to get back in the arena!!!

Leigh and I are heading off to Bowling Green this weekend, to see our awesome friends Amy and Chuck! Chuck is the one that introduced Leigh and I to P90x, the workout program, and Leigh and I started it on Monday and Chuck is also on round two as well, so we are each other’s little support group.

Leigh and I have been very lucky to have reconnected with some old friends lately. They have really brought joy into our lives, and we are so excited about spending time with them in 09!

Here is a pic from the Appalachian Trail, we hope to get back on it at some point this year!


Judy said...

What a great year you two have planned. I am so glad you are enjoying life, your farm, your horses and wonderful friends.

AnnaMarie said...

Awesome post! Enjoy rediscovering yourselves!!

Nikki said...

sounds like a great year! I'm sure it will be fantastic!

The Pinwheel Princess said...

It is going to be an AMAZING YEAR!!!
And you did NOT post a pic of the trail!!! I was just talking about it TODAY!
Seeing that picture made my bloomer crickets wake up ans start hoppin all around! LET'S DO IT!!!