Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The New Man In My Life…

Meet.. Heza Chexy Docs Hick! He is my new barrel horse, and couldn’t be happier with him. He arrived on Sunday from Colorado and he has every quality I look for in a horse. Debbie, the woman that owned him, did a wonderful job on his training! He has cattle experience, has been heeled off of many times, and has been on the barrels for a while and is high loping the pattern! I am ready for our career as partners to start!! Check back for updates on how Roanie and I are getting a long and how Leigh and Dually are doing as well!


Judy said...

Can't wait for you to start competing him along with Leigh and Dually. It is going to be fun hearing about your adventures.

DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

Just so ya know I am JEALOUS.
He looks great!
I excited for ya

Nikki said...

I am so excited for you!!

Balisha said...

Thanks for leaving your kind comments on my blog. You girls must be a lot like your Mom.

Nishant said...

I am so excited for you!!
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