Sunday, April 13, 2008

Vaca with Tri Gang...

70.3 IRONMAN KANSAS!! Leigh and I are so happy because we get to go with Ken and Mary on another adventure. We will be leaving on June 13th, to drive to Lawrence, Kansas, to support Ken and Mary on June 15th while they compete in a half Ironman. Leigh and I have had so many great experiences with Ken and Mary. The 4 of us competed in The Mooseman Triathlon in 2006, and it would not have even been possible had these two not been with us. They are wonderful motivators and by far amazing to go on a trip with. The one thing you can always expect with Ken and Mary is the unexpected! We had many unexpected things happen while in New Hampshire and it couldnt have been a more exiciting trip! Our time in Maine with them was absolutely priceless, those memories I will always cherish.

Leigh and I also had the pleasure of doing a marathon relay with Ken and Mary in September of 2005. Our good friends Amy and Chuck competed in the race with us as well, and completed our 6 member team. The 4 of us left to come back to Lexington on that Monday after the race and had decided we would be back in town around 3:00. We arrived in Lexington at 12:30 that night. We always love the spontaneous fun we have when we are with the two of them. The only thing we have to remember is "GET TO THE RACE ON TIME"

Leigh and I have way to much going on right now, to try to train for a half ironman, so we found a road race in that same area, to run that Saturday morning. So we all get to do something athletic while we are there. But it is going to be so much fun, just getting on the road with the two of them, and cheering them on during this race. I know it will be an AWESOME TRIP!


Judy said...

I never know where you all are going to be next but I am glad you have so many great friends you like to hang out with. Sounds like a great trip. Love, Mom

beinmyOWNself said...

I would ALWAYS pick you guys first for my kickball team!

DoubleUFarms said...

I'm so jealous! You all have ALL the good trips planned! LOL

Girls, you're going to have so much fun! There is nothing better than to hang around some motivating friends!

Good luck!

Strangeite said...

I am sure you are going to have fun, even though that means you will be missing the Festival this year, which makes me sad.